
6th February 2020

There is an important announcement concerning Erasmus+.


The ‘Withdrawal Agreement’ states that UK participation in the current 2014-2020 programmes, including Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, until the closure of the programmes. UK beneficiaries can continue to take part in grants awarded under the current regulations until all activities are completed, even if it is after 2020.

“This means that the projects successfully bid for during the current (2014-2020) Erasmus+ and ESC programmes will continue to receive EU funding for the full duration of the project, including those where funding runs beyond 2020 and the end of the transition period.

In effect, the UK, following the end of the transition period (December 31st 2020), will become a ‘third country’ partner, rather like, for example, Montenegro or Turkey, with the difference being that Turkey and Montenegro are candidate countries.

The UK, therefore, is fully eligible to participate in Erasmus+ KA1 programmes. For those organisations intending to submit applications for funding, please note that you are able to continue working with Tellus College as before, or as a new partnership.


Please click here to get in touch with us, should you have any more questions.